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Master's Degree in Global Business Management | full-time studies | YAMK

Kajaanin ammattikorkeakoulu, paikassa Kajaani
2 vuotta
Hakuaika: January joint application (8.–22.1.2025)
2 vuotta
Hakuaika: January joint application (8.–22.1.2025)
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Master's Degree in Global Business Management | full-time studies | YAMK

Master's Degree in Global Business Management

The Master's Degree in Global Business Management at Kajaani University of Applied Sciences will help you on your journey towards achieving a management position, developing a strong professional network, or even starting your own business. The English-taught Master's Degree at Kajaani University of Applied Sciences is a multidisciplinary program that welcomes applicants with the minimum of a Bachelor’s (first cycle) degree qualification.

The degree’s learning objectives and contents focus on strategic management and innovation in global business, research and development methods, and the use of new technologies in business. 

Kajaani University of Applied Sciences has been among the top-ranked universities of applied sciences for high-quality education and student guidance in Finland for many years. KAMK owes its success to the people involved in its operation. Its members of staff possess a positive, innovative, and open-minded attitude to their work and the continuous development of their working community.  As a result, the Master´s degree opens many doors for its graduates.

The Master´s Degree in Global Business Management includes full-time studies on campus for 2 years. The program comprises a total of 90 ECTS: course work accounts for 60 ECTS and the remaining 30 ECTS are for the graduate thesis. The 60 ECTS of course work includes 12 individual courses of 5 ECTS each. The courses are designed to provide students with the information they will need to succeed as high-level business leaders in today’s modern business environment.


Application period for studies starting in autumn 2025 is 8.1.-22.1.2025.

You can apply to study in this Master's degree if you have

  • a Bachelor’s (first-cycle) degree qualification in any field
  • a minimum of three year’s work experience in the field of business and commerce after the Bachelor's degree
  • sufficient proficiency in English.

The admission takes place in

Tutkinto / todistus

Master's Degree in Global Business Management

Seuraavat toteutukset

Tulossa 1 toteutus

Syksy 2025

  • Lähiopetus
  • Kajaani
  • englanti
  • Hakuaika: January joint application (8.–22.1.2025)

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Kajaanin ammattikorkeakoulu
Ketunpolku 3 (PL 52)
87101 Kajaani

Kajaanin ammattikorkeakoulu | KAMK

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