Master of Business Administration | DP in Project Management | Blended Learning
Master´s degree in Project Management is run as a cooperation initiative between Vaasa University of Applied Sciences (VAMK) and Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (SeAMK) in Finland. The Degree programme is 90 credits (for BBA's) with emphasis on providing skill and competencies required to operating and managing both local and international projects.
The Master´s degree in Project Management is a 1,5 years programme of study. The mode of the study is blended teaching including both face-to-face and online teaching as well as independent and group work . The program is flexible enough to accommodate individuals who would like to finish their studies in one year. The lectures are scheduled twice a month mainly on Saturdays. The courses contain lectures, team work, individual readings, presentations, and online work.
After completing the courses, you would have the skills to:
- develop and apply appropriate project management methodologies to suit different projects in local and international contexts
- communicate across culturally diverse projects
- develop the ability to take a leadership role in project, program and portfolio management
- form, select and apply creative problem-solving skills to all stages of the project life cycle and
- develop critical thinking and research skills to a range of project and program management contexts.
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Master of Business Administration
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Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu
VAMK on kodikkaan kokoinen, 3700 opiskelijan suomen ja englanninkielinen kansainvälinen korkeakoulu. VAMKissa voit opiskella insinööriksi, tradenomiksi, sairaanhoitajaksi, terveydenhoitajaksi tai sosionomiksi. VAMKissa opiskelu on aidosti yhteisöllistä, sillä kaikkien alojen opiskelijat opiskelevat samalla kampuksella. Kampus sijaitsee Vaasan Palosaarella, meren äärellä, aivan kaupungin...
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