Master of Business Administration | DP in International Business Management | Blended Learning
Do you want to learn how to manage and develop a business? In International Business Management you will learn how operations are developed based on research and how to apply modern research methods to management. The programme is tailored to your own expertise, as we appreciate practical approach in learning.
The degree programme of International Business Management prepares the international business community and the public sector for demanding expert and managerial positions. In your studies, you focus on the development of your company, which you can reflect on both in writing and in discussions with your fellow students.
You study independently and share your expertise in group work, where you also get new perspectives on your own work. You will be able to combine new theories in the field to your own experience and develop as an expert. The degree also gives a new drive to your work and opportunities for career advancement.
You will gain both theoretical and empirical knowledge to develop your own expertise. International Business Management is equated with a Master’s degree at the university level and produces eligibility for positions that require a Master’s degree.
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