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Master's Degree Programme in Maritime Management

Mukana tammikuun yhteishaussa
Mukana tammikuun yhteishaussa
2 vuotta
Eligible for study allowance
Hakuaika: January joint application (8.–22.1.2025)
Mukana tammikuun yhteishaussa
Mukana tammikuun yhteishaussa
2 vuotta
Eligible for study allowance
Hakuaika: January joint application (8.–22.1.2025)
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Master's Degree Programme in Maritime Management

Are you seeking to advance your professional and academic career? Master's degree programme in Maritime Logistics Management is closely connected with working life.

What does your studies involve?

Maritime Logistics Management is a Master's degree programme for logistics and maritime professionals and for those interested in the field.You can apply for training if you have completed bachelor’s degree either in engineering, maritime or business. Master's degree programme is tailored to support professional growth in managing future supply chains. Studies unfold financial and regulatory perspectives of supply chain, with a focus on maritime logistics, through operational approaches merging industry key stakeholders. You will learn to encompass the innovative development of novel supply chains in variable operational and environmental contexts. Maritime Logistics Management studies pave the road to the future by merging academic research and applied sciences.

Global logistic stakeholders acknowledge the transition of logistic chains and the demand for financial and environmental sustainability competitiveness. In principle, the transportation of a cargo unit remains much the same in the foreseeable future. It is not the goal that changes but the ways to achieve goals. The ability to solve problems in novel environments gives you as a Maritime Logistics Management student a firm grasp of the future of maritime logistics supply chains. 

Versatile delivery of teaching consists of online lectures and workshops, learning assignments, and independent studying. Teachers will support you in establishing development projects and opening channels for demand-based collaboration with the regional key industry stakeholders. 

Flexible online studies while working

The training is carried out entirely online as distance learning. Teaching is organised so that working alongside studies is possible. There are, on average, one to two online contact days per month, these studies are arranged during the daytime on Fridays. Otherwise students work mainly independently or in small groups with some additional online contact possibilities. The teaching days are organised using a web conference connection. The study also includes learning assignments and exams to be completed independently, in pairs or in small groups.

Note that if you are an international student outside EU/EEA, you cannot get a residence permit to Finland based on online studies. To study on our campus, please consider degree programs that provide full-time instruction.

Tutkinto / todistus

Master of Maritime Management, Master of Engineering

Seuraavat toteutukset

Tulossa 1 toteutus

Syksy 2025

  • Etätoteutus
  • Verkossa
  • englanti
  • Hakuaika: January joint application (8.–22.1.2025)
Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu
Satakunnankatu 23
28130 Pori

Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu

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