Master's Degree Programme in Circular Economy Solutions | online studies

Study circular economy solutions interdisciplinary
The multidisciplinary online master's degree programme in Circular Economy Solutions prepares students to address global challenges related to sustainable development and to promote societal change. Graduates will master circular economy strategies and business models.
Both Finnish and international students are strongly encouraged to apply.
Circular economy solutions need leaders and developers
Graduates of the degree programme will be able to develop and lead circular economy practices in their workplaces, taking into account resource efficiency and global sustainability challenges.
They will also know how to develop circular economy solutions that create value in ways that put less strain on the environment.
Duration and the scope of studies vary
Engineering and design students will study a total of 60 ECTS credits of master-level studies in the degree programme, and business students study 90 ECTS credits. In complementary studies, you can focus, for example, on
- new technologies
- bio-based materials and solutions,
- the business potential of the circular economy.
The degree programme is conducted online and as a part-time learning opportunity. The courses are mainly executed by the LAB University of Applied Sciences' fields in Technology, Business and the Institute of Design and Fine Arts, in collaboration with the schools of LUT University.
Structure of studies
For engineering and design students:
- core competence 15 ECTS
- complementary competence 15 ECTS
- master's thesis 30 ECTS
For MBA students:
- core competence 30 ECTS
- complementary competence 30 ECTS
- master's thesis 30 ECTS
You can apply for the programme through the joint application.
Tutkinto / todistus
Master's Degree Programme (ylempi AMK)
Seuraavat toteutukset
Ota yhteyttä
LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu syntyi halusta uudistaa korkeakoulutusta ja työelämää – tehdä työstä merkityksellisempää. Haluttiin parempi työelämä, ja sitä varten tarvittiin parempi ammattikorkeakoulu. LAB aloitti toimintansa 1.1.2020, kun Lahden ja Saimaan ammattikorkeakoulut yhdistyivät. LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu on työelämän innovaatiokorkeakoulu, joka toimii Lahdessa, Lappeenrannassa ja verkossa. LAB tarjoaa...
Lue lisää oppilaitoksesta LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu ja katso koulutustarjonta täältä