Bachelor of Engineering | Sustainable Solutions Engineering | full-time studies
The degree programme in Sustainable Solutions Engineering offers you tools to manage the major challenges of our time, such as climate change and sustainability. The approach is holistic; you will learn to manage technologies in a sustainable way by adopting a circular economy perspective.
LAB University of Applied Sciences is a leader in environmental technology and circular economy in Finland. The degree programme is built upon a strong knowledge and the need to address the major future challenges of our time. As a graduate of this programme, you will work as a technological expert, project manager, quality and security developer or sales engineer in Finland and globally. Entrepreneurship is also a career alternative.
Variety of opportunities to deepen your knowledge
At the beginning of the studies, you get familiar with the principles of natural and physical sciences, environmental technology, circular economy and sustainable development, as well as their interaction with climate change, and biological and technological cycles. These form the foundation to deepen your competence development during your further studies.
The professional studies include topics, such as resource and material efficiency, digital tools, quality and project management, built environment, product design and responsible business relevant in the perspective of sustainable solutions and circular economy.
During your studies, you have a chance to deepen your knowledge in the selected topics during your internship (30 ECTSs is obligatory) and while doing your final thesis, as well as in the different applied development projects and online studies.
One of the main learning outcomes is the development of entrepreneurial and teamworking skills. This will enhance your ability to figure out business and development challenges to advance your own career opportunities and working life.
Construct your studies to suit your life and career plans
You are encouraged to complete your studies with different methods of learning as the structure of our curriculum is flexible.
However, LAB will also organize 15 ECTS modules as optional studies in which you can participate in our Lahti campus, Finland. Each of these modules is arranged in two-month periods, which makes the entry more flexible.
The degree programme in Sustainable Solutions Engineering is built upon a strong knowledge and needs to face up to the main future challenges of our time, climate change and sustainability crises. Studying at the LAB University of Applied Sciences is very flexible but challenging. Due to the structure of our curriculum and pedagogical methods we can quickly adapt to different situations and needs.
The new campus and circular economy laboratories offer you also the possibility to deepen your knowledge in practice as well. We have very good international and national networks with other universities and working life which will promote your career development in many ways.
Structure of studies
Core studies 15 ECTS
Professional and complementary studies 180 ECTS
Practical training 30 ECTS
Thesis 15 ECTS
If you have a Finnish qualification or an IB/EB/RP/DIA-diploma, apply for the programme through the Joint Application.
If you have completed your degree outside Finland, apply for the programme through the LAB Separate Application.
Tutkinto / todistus
Bachelor of Engineering
Seuraavat toteutukset
Ota yhteyttä
LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu syntyi halusta uudistaa korkeakoulutusta ja työelämää – tehdä työstä merkityksellisempää. Haluttiin parempi työelämä, ja sitä varten tarvittiin parempi ammattikorkeakoulu. LAB aloitti toimintansa 1.1.2020, kun Lahden ja Saimaan ammattikorkeakoulut yhdistyivät. LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu on työelämän innovaatiokorkeakoulu, joka toimii Lahdessa, Lappeenrannassa ja verkossa. LAB tarjoaa...
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